Dick Hunt's Blog

March 19, 2013

We Learn By Experience.

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We Learn By Experience.
by Dick Hunt, March 19th, 2013.

Adam and Eve learned by experience too but they had a very bad teacher. His names were Satan, the Devil, the Serpent, the Enemy. He set himself up as the enemy of God, he is very real and busy and his plan is to make sure that none of God’s people will believe in God. All the people who ever lived are God’s people. He wants every person to be happy, healyhy, joyful, loving, kind, generous, hopeful and ready to be with Him in His Kingdom at all times, especially at the end of our natural lives. Our time in this life is the gift time in which we are given the opportunity to learn to be happy with God. He has made the way clear through His Son, Jesus Christ, to come to God the Father as His obedient Children. He knows our weaknesses, our sins, in fact everything about us, every thought that enters our mind. And he never stops loving us with unquenchable Love.

We see the magnificence of His Love in Jesus’ terrible suffering on the Cross as he died for us in the most cruel manner ever devised, on the Cross. And in that death, when Jesus died WILLINGLY to pay the penalty for all the sins of mankind, forever, we see how greatly we are loved. The Perfect Man, without sin or any sort of blame, died there, WHILE WE WERE YET SINNERS, to set us free from sin and disobedience and the fear of death. How can anyone ignore the awesome “Love that will not let us go”. And this was God, dying for us there in the person of his only Son, Jesus Christ to bring us Home. Come to the Father, make no delay. He loves you so! He has paid the penalty for all our sins. Come Home! The greatest Love.!

“Only one life – ‘twill soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.” But when we walk with God in Harmony and Peace and Joy, the life we live here on earth is the first of our walk with our God and Father. To be continued in our Eternal Life in the Kingdom of God, in Heaven, in perfect Peace, with Jesus our Saviour, with The Holy Spirit, with all the Saints, on the day of the General Resurrection. You might say, Dick, how do you know we will be with God, the Father, God the Son, Jesus and God the Holy Spirit (The Holy Trinity)?

I answer, ‘God has promised, in His Holy Word, that when we believe in Him and commit ourselves to Him, in Jesus Christ, we will surely spend Eternity with Him’. He has also told us that if we persist in unbelief and disobedience, we will be cut off from Him forever. He has made provision for anyone to come to Him in Trust and response to his Unqualified Love, to be with Him “and enjoy Him forever”.
(The Westminster Catechism). And that is the basis of our unshakeable belief, expressed in the Bible and in our Worship and Praise. Come, make Jesus known as Saviour.

Satan will not bother us as long as we do not turn to the Father through Jesus the Son and Saviour. But when we do begin to trust he will attack us with all his lies and tricks and schemes to make every effort to turn us away from God. He will use our erstwhile friends to snub us and make us the butt of jokes. The answer to that is that we will be welcomed into the fellowship of those who are being saved forever for an Eternity of Love and Peace!

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